Sunday, September 06, 2020

AHH! After ten thousand years, I'M FRE....OK I should've continued with the blog as promised!

Assalaamu Calaykum (Peace be upon you)

I've been mulling, longer that I'd like to admit, over a suitable title for this post. The best I could come up with was a Power Rangers one, a reference to the opening credit when Rita Repulsa emerges from captivity and says "AHH! After ten thousand years, I'M FREE! It's time to conquer Earth!". To clarify, I've not been in captivity nor wish to conquer earth, the first part of the quote is some what relevant to my (lack of) activity on this blog.

Let me clarify, it has been exactly 5092 days or 13 years, 11 months, 9 days since my last post (wow). And 5475 days or 14 years, 11 months, 27 days since I made my first ever post and this one now. So you could say, I've taken somewhat what of a hiatus. To be fair, I've not been that active in the past, if you pay close attention to the dates between posts, you notice a pattern ;) September seems to be my favourite month, strange. And I've had on average, probably 1 or 2 posts a year, over 2 years period 😳 

I have to admit, over the years I did load up this blog, I was reminiscing of a simpler times and fantasising had I been more committed to blogging, I would have had more memories on here. But the irony is, had I then at that moment decided to take the initiative to start then, I would also have had more posts and memories. Well, tonight was the night. I had one of those nostalgia feeling, loaded up the blog and thought "let me try to login". I had to do a 'legacy reclaim' on my account since Google decided you need a Google account (I believe Blogspot wasn't owned by Google or it wasn't integrated with Google ecosystem yet). After that, I had the idea to post and see how it would be like.

It is Sunday and the time is 23:40 (moment of typing this). I should be getting ready in bed but here I am.

Here are some memories for future self:

2020 has been an interesting year, it was the year I visited my home country Somalia. I went to Mogadishu for 2 weeks, met and saw family members I haven't either seen in decades or ever before.

It has also been a year of Rona, COVID19 lockdown since February this year meant I have been working from home ever since and will continue to do so until the end of the year (will be reviewed and could potentially be extended, i hope ;)

It is also the year I hope to return back to Somalia, Insha Allah (God Willing). I would like to go back for at least a year. I don't want to do a classic me and say I will talk about this more on next post but, I will elaborate more on how/why/when on the next post 😉 Future me better stick to his word and do a follow up post. But in a nutshell, I've been missing a sense of belonging, and an urge to return home for a very long time. After my 2 weeks visit on Mogadishu, it has been an eye opener and would like to go back.

Well, I have to admit it has been a pleasure writing this post. Please excuse the grammar and lack of style on this post, I'm typing this on a mobile unlike all my other posts in the past. I was hoping to post GIFs and bullet points for easy digesting of my unfiltered thoughts and ramblings but for now be happy im posting again after 14 years absence 😉

Until next time 🙂


Friday, September 29, 2006

Invisible Coat

I just can't simply believe this is true, probably standing in front of an OHP.

Incredible tire running by itself

You wouldn't believe if the tire could make that sharp turn, right? It does something even more incredible. Hilarious stuff :D

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sunny september

The weather has been beautiful and consistently sunny lately, something which is extremely rare. It all adds to this calming admosphere as soon as Ramadaan started (or so I feel).

Day 4

Well its late afternoon now and I'm still in my pyjama's, reason is I'm suffering from a stomach upset since yesterday. Left year work yesterday I used to work untill 7 but decided 6 would be enough, called in sick today (told my manager to put me down as holiday rather then using a sicky). Been to the toilet like 10 times already, I've decided to fast today (the pain) so might get a quick nap to forget all about it.

Browsing Ebay for a wireless headphone, been wanting one for a while now. In my room there is the TV and the PC, so at times you get the kids watching TV while I'm trying to watch a downloaded match or documentary. So its ideal to get one, especially a cordless one, with no hassle and wirefree. Considering dad wants to listen to bbc news on my PC, so I can tell him to stay where he is (usually livingroom) and I'll play it for him while I'm on the net.

Last night I found this pic from quite nice concept and hilarious.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Day 2 Sunday

I hoped to post something last Friday but I was caught in something then been extremely busy with few other things, :( I know bad.

Well Ramadan has started and its day 2, so far its going good. I was doing overtime yesterday and today of 4 hours each. My shift was 10:00 - 14:00 it was extremely relaxing atmosphere compared to the hectic work place during the daytime. Not many people in and to be honest I was browsing the net most of the time and chatting on the phone. Saturday my target was to clear 150 accounts (ATLEAST) but I did a mere 80 in 4 hours and I heard some of the other guys did 60 accounts per hour lol hehehe.

I promised myself to atleast make up some of those work up on Sunday, when I came in I tried my upmost best to do my Saturday shift but I was running behind with todays work. Finally when I finished Saturday shift I was already 2 hours into my shift and had only 2 hours left. Didn't browse the net that much (only few minutes regarding football and my favourite team Inter) only forcused on the work. My colleague was chilling next to me, he was on target and was browsing the net so I made him do some of my work otherwise we won't be able to go home (he was going to drop me off home). Finally we did the work (emphasis on the we here hehe) but the damn spreadsheet would not save. Excel gets serious problems if you are dealing with huge pages and especially if it is shared by few others. The document came to 121 meg (that much of only pure data) and took extra 30 for me to save and send it off.

Came home around 15:30 (meant to start 10:00 but the extra hour was needed for sleep so we started instead 11:00 so had to finish 15:00), it was a beautiful day today just like yesterday around 20c 'ish, sunny and bright, and everything felt relaxed. The house was extremely quite (normally highly unlikely) so I felt the need to sleep and kill of some time. Well I just woke up half an hour ago and it is now 18:37 only another 30 minutes left for breaking fast (although I woke up pretty late for Asr prayer, too sleeply not good need to change that).

Well my sugar level is low now and therefore my thinking is limited, I was planning to start my PHP book but I decided to delay it later on when I come back from taraweeh prayers (which is probably 22:00) when I can do abit more thinking (instead of thinking of chicken which I'm doing now, don't know why but KFC is stuck to my head eventhough I rarely go to that place). Need to do more tutorials in order to get more confidence with the language, suprisingly when I was loggin in my account here at blogger, one of the most recently updated blog was a blog dedicated to PHP development :S. So had a quick check, its by a French student (I assume) and looks interesting.

Tonight I'm hoping to do few things since my shift at work is 12:00 - 19:00 (need to break my fast over there and miss my mother loving cooking :( ). So I'm hoping to stay up till abit later hopefully and start my php, update this blog properly (also planning to upload few pics and vids from my time in France (another story which I'll post hopefully in the future)) and do some of my usual activities on the net (haven't watched nor read news last two days, very unusual for me as I'm so into the middle east conflicts and my brothers & sisters of Islam around the globe, I'm praying for those less fortunate for a better life insha allah).

Well its amost time now, 10 minutes left from time so I'll be logging off untill then Ciao after several hours of stuffing myself with food hehe.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Yet another Ramadan

wow, here we go again

Another ramadan around the corner and the funny thing is my last post was exactly a year ago about Ramadan. It truely shows you how lazy I'm or forgetful perhaps. I've lost my password and didn't bother acquiring a new one, since I've been busy with few other projects and issues.

Been thinking for a while now setting up my blog and running it properly but lets hope this time its for permenant. Well I've updated the blog, changed the template because the other one simply sucked. And while I'm doing this, I'm also updating my other side and installing some codecs so that I can watch few epidodes of South park. But the damn thing is asking me to re-start my pc, so I have to do that, should be a quick job.

Ciao for a brief moment ;)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Ramadan 1426/2005

Ramadan is approaching us fast, seems like yesterday since the last one. Although Islamic calendars are based on estimates of the visibility of the lunar crescent, they are published for planning purposes, so they shouldn’t be taken accurately (they are normally 1-2 days earlier or later).

Ramada1426/2006 will start in the UK 4th or 5th of October. It would be wise if we could all make plans for this important and holy month, to make maximum benefit.

Listing of beginning and ending of the Islamic year:

Islamic Month Gregorian Dates

  • Muharram February 10 - March 10, 2005
  • Safar March 11 - April 9, 2005
  • Rabia Awal April 10 - May 8, 2005
  • Rabia Thani May 9 - June 7, 2005
  • Jumaada Awal June 8 - July 6, 2005
  • Jumaada Thani July 7 - August 5, 2005
  • Rajab August 6 - September 4, 2005
  • Sha'ban September 5 - October 3, 2005
  • Ramadan October 4 - November 2, 2005
  • Shawwal November 3 - December 2, 2005
  • Dhul-Qi'dah December 3 - December 31, 2005
  • Dhul-Hijjah January 1 - January 30, 2006

First post

Since this is my first post, I'm using it for testing purposes.

More to follow soon.....