Thursday, September 21, 2006

Yet another Ramadan

wow, here we go again

Another ramadan around the corner and the funny thing is my last post was exactly a year ago about Ramadan. It truely shows you how lazy I'm or forgetful perhaps. I've lost my password and didn't bother acquiring a new one, since I've been busy with few other projects and issues.

Been thinking for a while now setting up my blog and running it properly but lets hope this time its for permenant. Well I've updated the blog, changed the template because the other one simply sucked. And while I'm doing this, I'm also updating my other side and installing some codecs so that I can watch few epidodes of South park. But the damn thing is asking me to re-start my pc, so I have to do that, should be a quick job.

Ciao for a brief moment ;)


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